To say that Brian McKenna lived his life with enthusiasm would be an understatement. Like so many, he moved to Utah for work and the mountains. The “Greatest Snow on Earth” beckoned him here and he took full advantage. Being outside in the mountains — whether on skis, a board, two wheels or by foot — in the company of friends and family was his Happy Place.

Perhaps the most defining mantra he lived by was simply to:

Live Life. You never know when something can happen. Life is now.

In 2015 Brian was in a mountain biking accident at Deer Valley and suffered a spinal cord injury that left him with tetraplegia — paralysis from the neck down. Once he was able to breathe on his own again he wanted back on the mountain, back to the snow and back to the freedom of skiing.

He soon met Dr. Jeffrey Rosenbluth, Medical Director of the Spinal Cord Injury Acute Rehabilitation program at the University of Utah Health. Rosenbluth and his team had been coordinating with the University’s best minds in engineering, research, business and medical to design innovative technology and provide essential programs to improve the quality of life for people with complex injury or illness. 

One of the team’s core projects was the TetraSki, the world's only independent alpine ski for people with complex disabilities. It was a perfect fit for Brian.

He started participating in TRAILS (Technology Recreation Access Independence Lifestyle and Sports), the University of Utah Health’s adaptive program and the vehicle for testing and training the new technology. 

With the TetraSki, Brian was back on the hill turning edge-to-edge by sipping and puffing into a tube, which manipulates actuators that then move the skis from a wedge to parallel, allowing skiers to rip across corduroy runs and glide through powder. 

Brian’s testing and feedback of the TetraSki was instrumental in its continued refinement over the years. He not only believed in the vision of what was possible for those after traumatic injury or disease - he met and exceeded it.

Brian redefined what was possible.

But perhaps more importantly, his incredible positivity and love of life transferred to everyone he met. Brian motivated us to do more and set our sights even higher. 

Brian died in 2018. We dedicate this annual ski race event to him, as it will forever be known as The Brian McKenna TetraSki Express

And, oh what a party it is…